Il Museo delle Arti in Ghisa nella MAremma

Fonderia n.1

👉Fonderia N.1
🇮🇹 L’imponente edificio che si affaccia sulla via Massetana ed ultimato nel 1839, servì come magazzino di legnami. Nel 1918 fu trasformato in fonderia per la produzione prevalente di #lingottiere. La ghisa, fornita in barre dallo stabilimento di Piombino, veniva fusa in due cubilotti eretti accanto al muro occidentale dello stabile. Recuperata alla città come struttura Fieristica – Espositiva.
🇬🇧The massive building which looks on the Massetana way, was completed in 1839 and it was used as timber warehouse. In 1918 it was converted into a foundry mainly for the production of moulds. The cast iron bars which were provided by the factory of Piombino, were melted in two cupolas built next to the west wall of the building. It was resotored to the city as Exhibition Pole.